The Big Whale


the Big Whale
今更 許してくれとは言わんが‥‥
At last I was able to regain consciousness.
And I am ready to pay the consequences.
エッジ当たりめーだ! てめえのせいで巨人が現れたも同然だ! Yeah! Who do you think reactivated the Giant of Bab-il?
ローザやめて! No!
カインローザ‥‥ Rosa...
Golbez was also under control!
It's not Kain's fault!
カインゴルベーザ‥‥も? Golbez... too?
ローザゴルベーザは、セシルのお兄さんだったの‥‥ Golbez was Cecil's brother...
ローザゼムスという月の民が、ゴルベーザの月の民に血を利用していたらしいの。 A Lunarian called Zemus controlled Golbez from the Moon.
リディアそれでゴルベーザはゼムスを倒しに、フースーヤと月に向かったの。 So Golbez went to the Moon with FuSoYa to defeat Zemus.
Golbez... Cecil's brother...
Then I must pay back my debts to Zemus!
エッジまた操られたりしなけりゃ いいんだがな。 Hope he doesn't get hypnotized again.
カイン‥‥その時は遠慮なく 俺を斬るがいい! If that happens again, go ahead and get rid of me.
Then I'm coming!
I feel like defeating Zemus with my blade!
カインエッジ‥‥ Edge...
Let's go.
I will go... to the Moon!
ローザセシル‥‥ Cecil...
僕ら三人だけで行く。 今度ばかりは生きて帰れる保証は無い!
Rosa and Rydia, you get off here.
The rest of us will go to the Moon. It's too risky. There's no guarantee of safe return this time.
ローザセシル! Cecil!
リディアそんな! What?!
セシルさあ、魔導船を降りるんだ! Come on. Get off the Big Whale.
エッジさ、ガキはいい子で お留守番だ。 Now, Rydia. You be a good girl and stay home.

Think it's sweet of you to say that, hotshot?
エッジ‥‥ヘッ。 So long, Rydia.
カインセシル‥‥ Cecil...
セシル行くぞカイン! エッジ!

Let's go, Kain, Edge!
セシル行くぞ! Ready?
カインローザ! Rosa!
セシルそこをどくんだ‥‥ Get out of my way...
ローザいやよ! 私も連れてってくれなきゃ、ここをどかないわ。 No! I won't unless you take me with you.
セシル何を‥‥ Don't be silly.
I don't care how dangerous it will be!
I don't care as long as I can be with you!
セシルローザ‥‥ Rosa...
カイン‥‥仕方ないな、セシル。 Take her, Cecil.
エッジ羨ましいねえ。 Come on, man!
セシル分った ローザ‥‥僕が‥‥守ってみせる! Okay, Rosa... Whatever happens... I'll protect you!
リディア上手くいったね! We did it!
エッジおめー! Rydia!
リディアいつか言ったでしょ。 これはみんなの戦いだって。
Didn't I say we're all fighting for a common cause?
Besides, I'm the only Caller you have!
セシルリディア‥‥ 分った‥‥
行こう! 僕らの戦いに!
Rydia... you're right.
Let's fight... for our common cause!
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